Monroe Township made the list for being one of the least state-funded school districts in the state.  We ranked #25.

My plan is to have our district join the districts on this list and fight the state to, at a minimum,  fund the funding formula.  This would mean 10 million dollars in state funding for our district.  That is approximately 10% of our school budget.  Monroe taxpayers currently self-fund the school district and the budget of approximately 100 million dollars per year.

I think that we can do much more than this.  We should actually sue the state with these other districts.  Schools should not be funded through property taxes.  The time for letter writing campaigns, playing nice with our tax increasing politicians and hoping for change is not cutting it.  We need to stand and fight for our future.

We have to fight at the local level to stop the development and the developers from running our township.  We have to elect politicians who understand the plight of property taxpayers.

It is time for voters to rise up and fight for fair taxation and fair funding for our schools.

Here is the article.  Please Vote on November 8th, and Please vote for Ken Chiarella for the Monroe Township Board of Education!