Please Vote Line D Tomorrow and End This Nonsense!!


This is how Gerry Tamburro operates. Two residents invited me to Stonebridge this weekend so that I could meet them for the first time and meet their friends. One of Gerry’s henchmen, named Gary, found the men who invited me and sent one of them this email.  My friends do not know Gary, but Gary found them.  How?  Gary even explains that he is not on Facebook.  They watch everything and are very careful to guard their machine. I am a threat to their machine so they watch everything that I do.  Too bad they don’t spend this much time guarding our tax dollars this ferociously.

This is how they work to keep me out. It just so happens that the henchman is also on the Rec board and is one of the people that helped get the community garden built. The land for that garden was given by a developer. What did we get in exchange for this? All of the new townshouses and condos going up on Applegarth Road and Route 33!


Please vote tomorrow. We need to end this nonsense. Our residents should be free to associate with whomever they choose. Shame on you Gerry and Gary for bullying a resident who pays taxes in Monroe. This is not the Soviet Union!  Send Gary and Gerry a message that they just made some ill will toward themselves with the people of Monroe Township!

On Nov 2, 2015, at 7:28 PM, Gary <> wrote:

This is why I don’t do Facebook. The way you approached this posting infers approval. Kenny knows who I support. This has now created ill will directed towards you. I would never do what you did.


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On Nov 2, 2015, at 6:19 PM, > wrote:

ken was invited here to see the Clubhouse on Sunday and I introduced myself to him. He was not “ politicking “ as you described it and he did not meet anyone else or discuss his political agenda. Calm down!

On Nov 2, 2015, at 6:04 PM, Gary<> wrote:




Shame on You!!!!!!!!!


As a resident of Stonebridge I’m deeply upset of your comment…….. Stonebridge residents: Come meet Mayoral Candidate Ken Chiarella tomorrow in the Clubhouse at 10 A.M.


This inferred that this “event” is sanctioned by the Board, which it was not. You should have indicated that YOU wanted to introduce him. In fact political events do not happen at Stonebridge. What you do at your own home would be fine.


I know Kenny. He knows that no politicking is allowed in the Stonebridge Clubhouse.