PLEASE VOTE LINE D on November 3rd!

If you are wondering what Monroe Township paid employees and our professional services do on Election Day we have the answer. They work for Gerry Tamburro while getting paid with your tax dollars. For instance, in the 2015 Primary salaried employees were enlisted by Gerry to work the polls as challengers. Many showed up in township vehicles, wearing township clothing and were being paid by the township while acting on Gerry’s behalf. They were compelled to do this. This is how Gerry operates. He forces the township employee, many of whom are wonderful people, to support him, put up his signs, work polls and do other campaign related jobs. Just pull a township employee aside and ask them. Just make sure Gerry isn’t around or they will run and hide.  He will say he “asked” them.  This is the root of the problem.  When a boss “asks” for a favor like this can you say “no”?   Our employees should not be placed in this position.

We can and should do better, Monroe! Our employees are not, and should not, be forced campaign workers while also being paid by taxpayer dollars. The Primary was on June 2, 2015, and that is a Tuesday. They were working.

We have attached the list of Challengers we received via OPRA request from the Middlesex County Clerk’s office.

Your tax dollars at work!

Here is a brief list but you can see the entire list of challengers below:

Mark Rasimowicz- Owner of Center State Engineering firm. Mark also holds a job in Monroe Township and receives a pension.

Karen Adreadis- Mayor’s Administrative Assistant.

Jay Brown– Township employee Recreation Department

Jeanne Crowley- Township Employee Recreation Department

John Riggs- Environmental Manager for Township

Albert Carpenito- Township Employee Rec Center.

There are more but here is the full list: MONROE CHALLENGERS PRIMARY Copy