Gerry Tamburro told a fib on October 8th at the candidate’s forum and we have the proof. Please watch the video and then read the rest of the story below.  Please share this as we need for everyone to know the man who wants to be our mayor.

The Monroe Pay to Play laws were enacted in 2006 after Mayor Richard Pucci got caught accepting $165,000 from the Developers who are building the homes on Rt. 33 and Rt 522. It turns out the Mayor Pucci had a consulting firm that he ran out of his house. That firm only had one client and that client happened to be a major developer in Monroe Township. Mayor Pucci also serves on the planning board where both of these developments were to be approved. Link to that story.

T&M Associates does business in Monroe. T&M Associates is an engineering firm and gave to Gerry in 2013 and also had business in Monroe Township. For instance, they represented Parker House as the engineering firm before, Planning, Zoning and the Environmental Commission. They gave Gerry Tamburro $5200 in 2013 and $900 in 2015 during the primary campaign. If we take a look at the Political Action Committees we can see where all of the developers are. The developers give to the PAC’s who then give to the parties. We have various PAC filings below that show various developers who do business with Monroe. Note Matrix, Federal Business and Joseph Morris, who gave a PAC named Developer’s PAC for $7200 each! Federal Business Centers Inc. owns land on Rt. 33 and is a developer and so does Joseph Morris. They build right here in Monroe. Developers PAC filing with ELEC.

That PAC then gave money to a PAC named NJ Senate Democratic Majority who then gave to Pucci and team. There are so many of these that I could spend an entire week researching the violations of the public trust by Tamburro and the current administration. I believe that I have provided enough to prove that Tamburro lied on October 8 at the Senior Center, and he lied to you!

The ELEC Filings are below.