Do you know what perks and payments Tamburro, Koppel and Pucci get from your hard earned tax dollars?

They get their salaries, but that isn’t enough for them so they padded their pocketbooks and helped themselves to more of your money.

In addition to their part-time salary they give themselves:

  • $3000 per year for incidentals
  • $7000 per year checks for opting out of healthcare. Part-time politicians but full time pay! For example, Mayor Pucci gets his taxpayer funded healthcare from the Middlesex County Improvement authority. You pay for that. Then he opts out of healthcare in Monroe and gets a $7000 check. You are paying twice for Mayor Pucci to get healthcare, and a check for not getting healthcare.
  • Stipends for wearing multiple hats. Mayor Pucci, for instance, is also the police commissioner for an additional $15,000 of your hard earned money.  This is on top of our “good” Mayor’s salary of $210,000 at the MCIA (Which you also pay for) and a $400 car allowance.  His pension will be $150,000 per year when he retires in January.  Here is a link to that.
  • They get pensions! Part-time politicians are getting pensions in Monroe. No wonder they are giving themselves all of these perks. They are padding their pensions at your expense.
  • Ken Chiarella, if elected Mayor, will end this once and for all and we will save you $300,000 on day one by not accepting any pensions, perks or payments.

Below are the copies of the healthcare opt out checks as proof.

Please vote Line D on November 3rd and stop this travesty.

Ken Chiarella for Mayor. Chirag Bhagat and Stanley Edelman for Council.