Did you know that we have all sorts of interesting properties in the Monroe Township Open Space Inventory?

When you think about an open space preservation program you think of a program that was created with the intent of preserving open space in order to contain development. The program, if managed properly, could really benefit the residents of Monroe.

When you look at many of the Gerry Tamburro sign locations, it almost seems like they acquired some locations in order to have spots for Gerry’s signs.  If you get a chance, print the list of the homes on both lists below and drive by.  You will see Tamburro signs at some of those locations.  That is a violation of Gerry’s own sign ordinance!

We do have some legitimate open space acquisitions that have benefited the residents but we also have some acquisitions that really don’t make sense. Those acquisitions look more like favors for political allies and supporters of the administration than open space acquisition for the sake of preserving open space.

The administration is also bumping up their open space numbers to make the program look better than it actually is. Did you know what the current administration lists in their open space inventory? We have attached the list, but there are things like:

  • The toxic waste dump on Spotswood Gravelhill road.
  • Runoff retention basins.
  • Schools.
  • Golf Courses.
  • Sewerage treatment inlets.
  • Berms
  • Easements. That’s right! If you have an easement on your private property it is considered open space!

We need smart open space acquisition. We need to take the political patronage out of our open space program and acquire real open space. These are your tax dollars and they need to be spent for your benefit.  We should not be spending money on small scraps of land, or on old houses owned by the politically connected.  Those scraps would be open space anyway, because they cannot be built upon, without spending our hard earned money on them.

The documents at the link below list the current open space inventory and the proposed inventory. Note the small size of some of the parcels and the locations.

Open Space Inventory:  OPEN SPACE INVENTORY 6-5-2015 Copy

Future Open Space Targets:  TARGETED OPEN SPACE 5-12-2015 Copy

Please vote for Ken Chiarella for Mayor and Bhagat and Edelman for Council.