We have been locked out of the forums for the Monroe Township candidates in Renaissance and Greenbriar.  We aren’t going to cry over spilled milk.  We are going to keep fighting and keep moving forward.

To that effort we have to make a plea for donations and help. Yes, we are begging. We are a grassroots team without party support.  We are spending every dollar wisely to get the word out.  Any donations, no matter how small, will really help us spread the word, especially in the communities where we have been barred from taking part in forums.

The Dems are heavily funded with money from Developers and professional services, and we estimate that they are going to spend approximately $100,000 to keep us out.  Imagine that.  $100,000 for a $15,000 per year for a part-time Mayor’s seat.  Ken and his team have already pledged to do the job for free.  That will be a net savings of almost $400,000 dollars back in taxpayer’s pockets over 4 years.  Ken is not rich and could use the money, but he feels that we need a good faith effort, after years of fleecing by elected officials, to bring integrity back to the mayor’s office.  We need to end the reign of developers in Monroe Township!

Should you decide to donate, all checks should be made out to “friends of Chiarella, Bhagat and Edelman.

Checks can be sent to: Friends of Chiarella, Bhagat and Edelman

116 Pergola ave.,

Monroe, N.J. 08831

We will be at Garba on Saturday and we have a table at Oktoberfest.  We look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you and PLEASE vote on November 3rd!
Ken Chiarella