On October 7th and on October 8th there were forums for the Monroe Township candidates running in the November 3rd election.

Ward 2 Councilman Gerry Tamburro, who is running for Mayor was pressed by Ken Chiarella regarding donations from political action committees and the county party, which are filled with donations from developers and professional services that do business with Monroe Township.

Gerry Tamburro looked into the eyes of the Monroe Township Residents who were in attendance and told them that he and his running mates never received any donations from developers, Attorneys or Engineering firms that do business with Monroe.  What’s more,  Tamburro’s lie was captured at the video taped forum at the Monroe Township Senior Center.

At the Encore meeting, Chiarella asked the audience of residents to Google “Tamburro, PACs, Pucci and Developers”.  A resident came up to the microphone a short while later and showed the audience that Ken Chiarella was correct and Gerry was not telling the truth.  Tamburro repeated the lie.

Follow the money.  We posted this article a while back about the financial campaign funding documents filed by the local Democrats with the Election Law Enforcement Commission.  Please read it for details.

…and this one.


When the video of the forum is released we will post it for all to see.

Below are some articles that will shed light on the information that is out there.

