Archives for September 20th, 2015

We want to take a moment to thank Raj and Usha for a wonderful picnic today.  Our team had a great time with the families from Monroe Manor.  Ken even learned a little about Cricket.  We had a fun time.
Thank you!

Ken, Chirag and Stanley

Monroe Township took over the Monroe Township Municipal Authority which controls sewer and water, and appropriated over 48 million dollars that the MTUA had in reserves.  They spend the money keeping the municipal tax rate low.  All of the money is gone.

Now they have borrowed millions of dollars to finance that department which became the Monroe Township Utilities Department.

They explained their borrowing philosophy at the 7-6-15 Township Council Meeting. Please listen to their own words.

Please vote for Chiarella, Bhagat and Edelman on November 3rd and end this nonsense once and for all.
