Archives for September 5th, 2015

If a Freeholder Is Donating to a Local Elected Officials, and then they Hire That Person's Cousin, is that Nepotism? 🙂
9 votes

The Monroe Township independent team has asked the Democrats and Republicans to take a pledge to not accept campaign donations from Political Action Committees and from sources like developers and professional services.  It is our belief that donations from those sources fly in the face of the Pay to Play laws and violate the trust of the people of Monroe Township.

They are at it again!  Gerald Tamburro has received contributions form developers and from T&M Associates which is an engineering firm.  Here is an article regarding T&M.

Do you wonder why our Master Plan has been changed so many times to suit developers?  Follow the money.
Here is Tamburro’s filing with ELEC for the 2015 Primary where he ran against Charles Dipierro.

Tamburro filing

We have contacted The League of Women Voters to have our 10-8 candidates forum on Channel 28, and then also saved online, so voters can see it. We need for the two party candidates to agree.
Please share this and speak out.  You have a right to see the candidates answer your questions and be held accountable for their responses and promises.