Over the next week or so we will add to this story.  We will show the cost overruns for the Senior Center, the sources of funds and the charges by the Township Engineering firm for work to the center so please check back often.

Our objective is not to attack the Senior Center but to show how the current elected officials abuse taxpayers and the system for their own gain.  We will also do this with several other projects and developments in town.

For now we start with the fact that the flooring in the Senior Center already needs to be replaced.  Why?  The well thought out bamboo flooring doesn’t seem to be working out so now they have decided to go with porcelain.  Of course, the Township Engineering firm gets a cut.  We will produce the documents for their share later on.

senior center floor

In the state of New Jersey it is illegal for towns to ask developers for impact fees due to any impact on things like schools caused by their development.  The developers have a stranglehold on our government.

Here in Monroe we are also not allowed to ask developers for impact fees, but somehow our township leaders have found a way to ask for “contributions” from developers for their Senior Center.  Wouldn’t it have been nice if they asked for “contributions” for our schools since the developers, courted by our current elected officials, are the root cause of the increases in property taxes?  Of course, they opted to have the contributions go to their Senior Center.  We have to ask why?  Here are the contributions for 2014 through July 2015.

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Up next:  Construction Management Office charges, Architect fees and other fleecing of taxpayers using the Senior Center as a front.