Archives for September, 2015

Gas taxHere they go again!  As soon as the taxpayers get a little relief from gas prices the politicians kick in to grab more.  The price of gas goes down so the politicians see it as a way to grab more pie for themselves.

Don’t let this happen.  When people speak up the politicians cower.  Contact your Assemblymen and make your voices heard.  Here is the story.

Tell Trenton to cut into double dipping,  perks and pensions for politicians before they cut into our wallets!

Assemblyman Dan Benson

3691A Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
Phone: (609) 631-0198

Assemblyman DeAngelo
4621A Nottingham Way, Hamilton, NJ 08690
Phone: (609) 631-7501


Going up now!  Thank you!!

I don’t think that anyone can argue that we are a divided community.  The obvious divisions are between the Active Adult Communities and those residing in single family homes, but there are other divisions that run along ethnic and religious lines.  Those differences can also be our strengths.  Those differences can make us stronger if we look at it from a positive perspective and embark upon the task of creating one Monroe where there is interaction, respect and even friendship.  Many complain about the walls that bar us from the “Senior Communities”, but those are not walls that cannot be scaled.  How?  Make a friend.  Some of my closest friends reside in the Senior communities.  They invite me in and I am easily able to enter.   We have good friends in nearly every community, both gated and ungated.  Chirag Bhagat is an Indian American and his religion is Hindu. Stanley Edelman retired and is Jewish and lives in Greenbriar.  I am an Italian American and I am a Catholic.  Our vision is to move Monroe Forward by bridging those gaps through association and a common effort.   We can create one vibrant Monroe but it will take some work.

Our Plan:  We are going to create a Community Commission. That commission will be in charge of having meetings with representatives of all communities to meet and discuss issues, create events and come up with solutions. The Mayor and a Councilperson will also be on that commission. They will report back to the Council.

That commission will also run our Volunteer Initiative. That initiative will have a page on the township page and a Facebook page. Community members will be able to sign up and volunteer to help others in the community. The Volunteer Initiative will allow volunteers to get a credit for their property taxes. The coordinator will manage the program and provide documentation when volunteer hours have been satisfied, based on a set of stringent criteria, so that volunteers can receive credit. We currently provide tax credit for veterans and we would like to see that expanded to volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians.  They would get $250 to $500 in property tax credit for the year when they volunteer.

How will we pay for it?:
The commission itself will be voluntary.  The only costs will be for the Coordinator.  We will transition some of the current political patronage jobs to the job of Volunteer Coordinator so that our residents and not the politically connected receive the benefits of those taxpayer dollar.  We will also be bringing the professional services in-house.  We did this on the Board of Ed when I was a Board of Ed Member. It has resulted in savings.  We currently spend over a million dollars per year on the professional services of Township Attorney and Township Engineering firm.  The Township Attorney has a retainer alone that is approximately $22,000 per month.  He bills us on top of that retainer too.  We can move those services in house and still realize a savings.

Part of our community initiative will be to strengthen our relationship with the Board of Ed. We will have board members on the Community, Zoning, Open Space and Planning Boards. We will have a council person sit on the Board of Ed as liaison.

We are all in this together.  We will only succeed together.  There is no “us against them” without our consent.  Our “them” is “us” in the future and their “them” is “us” right now.  We are one Monroe!

Ken Chiarella

Attached is a document that shows all new housing that has preliminary and final approvals. This does not show new applications or applications without preliminary approval.  We will be posting those also.  There are thousands of units still in the works.  This will cause taxes to increase!

Copy of Building Analysis 1-2015 admin Copy

We want to take a moment to thank Raj and Usha for a wonderful picnic today.  Our team had a great time with the families from Monroe Manor.  Ken even learned a little about Cricket.  We had a fun time.
Thank you!

Ken, Chirag and Stanley

Monroe Township took over the Monroe Township Municipal Authority which controls sewer and water, and appropriated over 48 million dollars that the MTUA had in reserves.  They spend the money keeping the municipal tax rate low.  All of the money is gone.

Now they have borrowed millions of dollars to finance that department which became the Monroe Township Utilities Department.

They explained their borrowing philosophy at the 7-6-15 Township Council Meeting. Please listen to their own words.

Please vote for Chiarella, Bhagat and Edelman on November 3rd and end this nonsense once and for all.


We are one town.  When we pay property taxes we pay one town.  When the township charges the Board of Education they charge us.  Monroe Township charged the board of education over 1 million dollars to connect the new high school.  This is a hidden tax.  They also charged the Board of Ed to connect Oak Tree School.  That was over $500,000.  We have the documents for the connection fees for the new high school below.

Did they charge the Rec Center to connect?

What did the charge the Senior Center to connect?

We are working on finding out.

This practice has to stop.  This was an easy way for them to move money from the money earmarked for the schools back into the township.  Ken Chiarella, Chirag Bhagat and Stan Edelman will end this practice which will save the taxpayers money.

New high school connection fees

Other than the fact that Ken needs Glamour shots and a makeover, the message is right except for one point about both of the parties receiving donations from developers.  I did say Chiarella, Bhagat and Edelman have made a pledge to not accept money from PAC’s and from county and state parties, which are filled with money from professional services and developers and the Republicans and Democrats that are running have not accepted that pledge.  The Democrats have filled their campaign war chest with money from developers and professional services doing business with the town.

Tonight at 7pm is a Monroe Council Meeting at the Municipal Building.  We will be there.

If a Freeholder Is Donating to a Local Elected Officials, and then they Hire That Person's Cousin, is that Nepotism? 🙂
9 votes

The Monroe Township independent team has asked the Democrats and Republicans to take a pledge to not accept campaign donations from Political Action Committees and from sources like developers and professional services.  It is our belief that donations from those sources fly in the face of the Pay to Play laws and violate the trust of the people of Monroe Township.

They are at it again!  Gerald Tamburro has received contributions form developers and from T&M Associates which is an engineering firm.  Here is an article regarding T&M.

Do you wonder why our Master Plan has been changed so many times to suit developers?  Follow the money.
Here is Tamburro’s filing with ELEC for the 2015 Primary where he ran against Charles Dipierro.

Tamburro filing

We have contacted The League of Women Voters to have our 10-8 candidates forum on Channel 28, and then also saved online, so voters can see it. We need for the two party candidates to agree.
Please share this and speak out.  You have a right to see the candidates answer your questions and be held accountable for their responses and promises.

Can anyone tell me if Police Commissioner/ Mayor Pucci is investigating the campaign financing abnormalities the Monroe Dems have created? I have highlighted the salary he receives for being the police commissioner for Monroe. This is paid toward his pension. He is an astute crime fighter you know, and deserves this extra pension padding job.   ADT has named Monroe one of the 15 safest places in NJ because of his crime fighting prowess.  Our Monroe Township Police Department is wonderful and they would be exemplary even without Pucci sucking a salary as Police Commissioner.
The Democrats and Republicans should have taken our pledge to not accept campaign donations from PACS filled with cash from developers, Engineers, law firms or anyone else that is doing business with Monroe Township. They turned Ken Chiarella down and have filled their coffers with a whole lot of trouble.police commissioner_Page_2

Over the next week or so we will add to this story.  We will show the cost overruns for the Senior Center, the sources of funds and the charges by the Township Engineering firm for work to the center so please check back often.

Our objective is not to attack the Senior Center but to show how the current elected officials abuse taxpayers and the system for their own gain.  We will also do this with several other projects and developments in town.

For now we start with the fact that the flooring in the Senior Center already needs to be replaced.  Why?  The well thought out bamboo flooring doesn’t seem to be working out so now they have decided to go with porcelain.  Of course, the Township Engineering firm gets a cut.  We will produce the documents for their share later on.

senior center floor

In the state of New Jersey it is illegal for towns to ask developers for impact fees due to any impact on things like schools caused by their development.  The developers have a stranglehold on our government.

Here in Monroe we are also not allowed to ask developers for impact fees, but somehow our township leaders have found a way to ask for “contributions” from developers for their Senior Center.  Wouldn’t it have been nice if they asked for “contributions” for our schools since the developers, courted by our current elected officials, are the root cause of the increases in property taxes?  Of course, they opted to have the contributions go to their Senior Center.  We have to ask why?  Here are the contributions for 2014 through July 2015.

002 001
Up next:  Construction Management Office charges, Architect fees and other fleecing of taxpayers using the Senior Center as a front.

Of course, the left us out.  Lazy journalism!

Our reporting on campaign contributions!