Archives for June 14th, 2015

We are looking to know what you think about term limits.  We have received mixed support when it comes to the question of term limits and we would love to hear your opinions.  Please take a second to give your opinion on our poll.  If you would like to provide more insight please post below or PM us.  We really want to know what you think.



Should Monroe Have Term Limits?

We are officially filed to be on the ballot in November.  We are very excited and we are ready to start moving Monroe forward!

Please sign up for our updates here, join us on Facebook and follow our updates on Twitter.

We can’t do this alone.  If you feel that Monroe needs change please join our team.  We will need your help.  Please reach out of if you are willing to join our campaign team.

We would like to thank everyone who worked to get us on the ballot.  Our voice is muted without all of you.